A Delicious Low Glycemic, All Natural Chocolate Milk Syrup Your Kids Will Love!


A Delicious Low Glycemic, All Natural Chocolate Milk Syrup Your Kids Will Love!

Like most four-year-olds, my son loves chocolate milk. LOVES!

For breakfast, with dinner, whenever we go out, he wants one beverage- chocolate milk.

Now, many people would say, what's the problem, he's drinking milk, let him enjoy- but all of that sugar, artificial flavoring, the artificial colors and carrageenan adds up. Think toxic sludge in the digestive tract- not so yummy, eh...

So, I've come up with a solution- a genius solution!

This one has been husband tested, tested on my kids, my friend's kids- it's golden!

This will not only satisfy your kiddos and their chocolate milk cravings, but can be used to make hot chocolate or double as fudge syrup- sky is the limit!

It's so easy to make. Trust me when I say this one is a game changer!


Here's what you'll need:

2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

4 tablespoons pure maple syrup (do not even think about using Aunt Jemima! 100% pure grade A or B please!)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract ( or almond or peppermint depending on your mood!)

*a dash of cinnamon and cayenne pepper if your feeling feisty!

Here's what to do:

You'll need a container that holds about 4 ounces.


Add your ingredients, mix with a spoon and stir until uniform. I told you it was easy!

Add one to two teaspoons to your desired form of milk and voila!



*note: If you opted for the cayenne pepper, you've got yourself one heart healthy beverage (dark chocolate = antioxidants and cayenne pepper= increased circulation and low inflammation)!

What you don't use can be stored in your jar for the next time. Since there are no preservatives, you mixture shouldn't stand unused for more than a month!