cooling face mist

Cooling Summertime Face Mist

20140607-150221.jpg Boy oh boy, the heat is rising!

Don't get me wrong, after the crazy winter that hit basically every corner of the US, heat is a very good thing.

But, as a city dweller and resident of the swampy North East, the increased heat and humidity can be irritating to the skin.

Recently, I came home after an afternoon in the sun, wiped a tissue  across my face to find a smudge of sooty debris- gotta love NYC!

Even if you're not in the city, sweat and humidity can leave your skin itchy, blotchy and inflamed.

My cooling summertime face mist is one of my favorite ways to soothe and quickly revitalize sticky, hot skin.  Not only does the mist calm inflammation and clean out your pores, but it's hydrating and cooling.

This Cooling Summertime Face Mist is a keeper!

I keep a batch in a spray bottle in my refrigerator and help my face to a squirt or two every time I come in from the heat. My two year old swears by this spray as well. He hovers by the refrigerator door once we enter the apartment chanting "spray, spray, spray!"

So here's how to make my cooling summertime face mist. It is extremely easy to put together and will last all summer long.


In a sterilized spray bottle combine 1/4 portion of witch hazel with 1/4 portion of aloe juice. Gently shake the aloe juice and witch hazel together until combined. Add 1/2 portion of rosewater along with ten drops of vitamin E oil and five-ish drops of lavender essential oil. Shake your concoction gently and place in the refrigerator.

Step outside, go for a run, take a walk, go to work then when you come back home, go straight to your refrigerator (don't forget and let it disappear behind the leftovers), shake your spray bottle and mist away!

Spritz on your face and neck to combat a steamy summer day. The aromatherapy will calm frayed nerves and encourage relaxation.

*Note: If you have a sunburn, this spray works wonders to soothe the burning sensation!

Happy misting!