Um, it's really hot outside!Fundraising is successful, but the initial honeymoon phase is OVER! I did manage to make $246.00 outside of a Safeway in Silver Springs yesterday. The community was so receptive and the people were lovely. That's so humbling and exciting. In these moments, you truly feel like you're directly working as a change agent, but everyday is not like this. Truth be told, I'm getting tired of begging on the streets for money. I know I'm not begging for myself and that I'm there as the face of an organization, as the face of IICD, but it's rough and kind of goes against everything we've been raised as hardworking citizens to do. Not to mention, after a long day, trying to convince restaurants to feed you for free. Our food stipend is tiny! Ten dollars a day with the expectation that we'll fundraise dinner or dip into our savings or....starve?!? A group of us did manage to get amazing Moroccan food tonight in Adams Morgan from Soussi, a Moroccan restaurant. That was however after asking seven other stores and getting NO!!!!!! Alright Boa Noite