The weather is warm!It's finally warm, really warm (60 degrees more or less). Very odd considering it is January, but I'll take it. The sun is out, the snow is melting, we're about to re-apply for our VISA's to Angola. Hopefully everything will work out. I've decided to give myself until March. If I don't have my VISA by March I will opt to go to Mozambique. I have also decided to do my camp future (follow-up period) in New Delhi India as opposed to my original idea of Brazil and then my secondary idea of South Africa. Things are slowly coming together. I will go to Maryland next week to finish my fundraising. I've got about $700.00 dollars left to fundraise and it's completely possible.We've all been told to divide and scatter and do what we must to make goal. I'm going to go home to my mother and grandfather in Maryland where I can fund-raise in front of a few local Safeway grocery stores and return to DC.