
The Fine Food of Lisbon!


In a city bursting with restaurants, bakeries and cafes, the worst part about eating in Lisbon was deciding where and what to eat. I had a horrible cold the entire time I was there (of course) which made tasting and smelling almost impossible. My senses were restored my last two days and I did as much snacking and eating as humanly possible to make up for everything. Here are some of the great things we sampled.

Vinho verde, also known as green wine. This wine is very popular in Portugal. Once again, I had no taste buds this day, but as you can see from the look on my sister's face, it's pretty tasty.

More vegetable pesto soup. This is a popular soup in Portugal.

Salmon and latkes

Bacallao- salted and dried cod fish, a favored staple in Portugal.

"Okay, really. Where's my food mom?!?"  The service was slow, but very much worth the wait. Take a look at the plush kiddie chair- quite fancy.

This was our favorite outdoor cafe.

Vanilla cream and chocolate croissants. What a great motivation to rise early!

Delicious espresso! No sugar, no milk, straight to the veins.

Sangria! The wine in Lisbon was so cheap, we couldn't help it.

I love that Ohm's milk was served in tiny espresso cups. He loved the milk too. I'm thinking the milk was cream. It was very thick and smelled like vanilla.

Vegetable paella

Mango gelatto

Vegetable quiche and salad.

White sangria, so cool, so bubbly.

A green and hearty salad.

Salmon steak! The fish is AMAZING in Portugal.

Though Port is not my cup of tea, I had to go there since I was in Portugal after all.

Savory vegetable pesto soup

Pasta with a dollop of fresh ricotta.

The Portuguese love cod fish and serve it in many ways. This was a simple grilled cod.

Chocolate mousse with strawberry rock candy that popped and fizzled in our mouths.