
A Day at the Manhattan Country School Farm- A Photo Essay

Autumn is perfect time to take a trip to the country to soak in the colors, crisp air and quiet. Here's what happened when I ventured to the Catskills recently. We met at the Manhattan Country School Farm for an overnight retreat. A time to collectively reflect as educators before the beginning of a new school year.

I was in my element. Despite calling New York my home base, I am a country girl at heart. I need to be around nature to feel creative and human.

Apples anyone?

Or how about some tomatoes?

This can has the life! I was envious of her. Every time I turned around, there she was purring peacefully beneath this nook or that.


This was the absolute highlight of my trip. The cow was so warm and steady. It took a few pulls, but she gave me milk.

I felt a true sense of accomplishment!


I also met this little calf. Can you believe he's only a few months old.

I met a group of three little pigs. They were lovely.

If you look into the eyes of a pig, I mean really look, they are startlingly human and gentle.




The big red barn

The gift of stillness and peace

The brocolli has such a regal essense.

This was my meditation spot

Boxes of vegetables in neat little rows. When I retire, I want to be a farmer.